Hot water and central heating systems
There are a number of factors that are important for feeling at home - taking a hot shower and having a pleasant room temperatures are things certainly always among these factors.
Solar thermal systems transform solar energy into heat. They save a lot of money and help to reduce pollutants. With these systems, it is possible to reduce the annual energy consumption for domestic hot water by 80% and to provide substantial heating support. Furthermore you can use the surplus heat that is not needed during the months of reduced energy demand for heating your pool.
Since 29/09/2006 it is obligatory on the Balearic Islands, according to the Spanish Building Code (HE4), to generate 70% of the required energy for domestic hot water with solar thermal systems.
SOLARTA - Avda. dels Pujols, 13 - Parc Empresarial d'Arta - E-07570 Artá/ Mallorca - Tel +34 971 835333 Fax +34 971 835404 - info@solarta.com