Solarta: Photovoltaic solar energy, solar thermal energy, solar energy Mallorca, renovable energy Mallorca, solar modules

imagen decorativa

Asociación de la Industria Fotovoltaica
Asociación de Empresarios de Instalaciones Eléctricas y de Telecomunicaciones de Mallorca
Federación de la Pequeña y Mediana Empresa de Mallorca
1º Solar system Autoconsumo
Verified by GESA
Solarta Certified according to
ISO 9001

Remote control
Remote control
Do you own a photovoltaic system?
Would you like to obtain the most relevant data of your system in a
illustrative, professional and easy way?

Monitoring systems with the SMA WebBox
A continuing monitorization of the system means to directly know how your system works and this way you can immediately react if something unusual happens.

You can access all current values and save them from any point with Internet access without having to install an additional program.
Remote control for your system
Ask for information on implementing a remote control for your system.

Tailor-made remote control systems.
You can receive alarm messages in real time via e-mail or text message, which are distributed by our technical service.

SOLARTA - Avda. dels Pujols, 13 - Parc Empresarial d'Arta - E-07570 Artá/ Mallorca - Tel +34 971 835333 Fax +34 971 835404 -
Solarta Balear SL Copyright© 2010. Powered by Codi Binari Projectes Gràfics S.L.